Wednesday, 27 July 2011


A 12-ounce glass of beer, a five ounce glass of wine and a shot of liquor have similar amounts of alcohol; how much do you consume at an outing before getting behind those wheels?... do the mathematics.  Drinking and driving is a fatal combination. AVOIT IT!

Message from: Road Safety Awareness and Education Initiative (RSAAEI)

Tuesday, 31 May 2011


The continuous campaign for development of better road safety attitudes can never be over-emphasized. The lack of will on the side of authorities will never deter the efforts of stake holders especially RSAAEI in underscoring the dangers associated with exposure of children to unnecessary road risks in the name of hawking and family economic empowerment. Our advocacy shall continue in the areas of getting the relevant institutions to pass necessary legislation to bring to an end the dehumanization of innocent children who ordinarily should be in their respective homes attending to their homework and studies.

Here in Lagos, it is no longer news that trucks and other articulated vehicles continuously ram into innocent bystanders, road side hawkers etc. While the relations of these unfortunate victims shower unending blame on the drivers of such vehicles, whose job will it be to educate the parents and guardians of these children hawking their wares right beside the tires of a 20 Ton truck? RSAAEI will continue to spread the message of safety for those who wish and wish not to listen. A word is enough for the wise!

Stanley Chidi Mbanaja Peters
Project Director: RSAAEI

Monday, 23 May 2011

Children's Traffic Education

Teaching safety skills to children can provide lifelong benefits to society, but should be seen as a long term  intervention strategy. Experience in many countries has shown that reliance on individuals or organisations visiting schools to give talks on road safety are not effective on their own. Children may remember the messages in the short term, but effective and sustainable development of positive attitudes towards road safety are best achieved by inclusion in the core curriculum, either as a compulsory subject in its own right or as a cross-curricular theme. On our scale of assessment as an NGO, this remains an issue that requires urgent intervention considering the challenging environment our children have found themselves in.

Stanley C. Mbanaja Peters
Project Director (RSAAEI)

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Okada (commercial motorcyclists) Riders, Helmet and Law Enforcement

In most developing countries such as Nigeria, the Traffic Police are grossly under-resourced and under-trained to deal effectively with road safety violations. Effective traffic law enforcement can play an important role in reducing traffic crashes caused by unnecessary carelessness and recklessness of commercial motorcyclists popularly known in Nigeria as “OKADA RIDERS”.

We as an NGO will continually pursue our goal of spreading awareness on the grave consequences of improper or absolute lack of use of helmets and other protective gear. This, we have identified as a major contributor to the monumental deaths and fatalities recorded in cases relating to Okada accidents.

During one of our campaigns, we spotted this rider on an expressway with speed limit of 120km/h with his passenger who simply holds on to his helmet instead of wearing it. WHAT DO YOU THINK WOULD BE THEIR FATE, SHOULD THE UNEXPECTED HAPPEN?

Stanley C. Mbanaja Peters
Project Director (RSAAEI – Nigeria)

Nigeria's continual loss of GDP to road accidents

According to the Federal Road Safety Commission of Nigeria, about $3 billion is lost annually to several carshes on Nigeria's highways. Is it that lives of people are not valued in Nigeria? One will attribute the above  to the insensitive driving attitude of many especially Truck drivers who have on their own contributed to the monumental killings on our highways due to gross carelessness, driving under the influence of alchohol and drugs, king of the road syndrone, fatigue and use of poorly maintained trucks but to mention a few.

As an NGO, we are continually promoting awareness on the dangers posed by irresponsible road safey behaviour as their consequences are dire. Safety is something we should all embrace in order to improve economic and social development of our great country.

Stanley C. Mbanaja Peters
Project Director